Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Hair I go...

My eyebrows this morning...Yuck!

Why....Why do I do this to myself? I know it's going to be painful. It may cut me, leave a scar or make my skin swollen and red. Yet I keep doing it. What is wrong with me.
Oh yeah, because I don't want to walk around looking like a circus sideshow act. The bearded woman anyone.

Of all the things I love about being a woman, hair removal is the last on the list for sure. Well maybe getting my period is last but I won't go there. I wish I didn't have to go through the motions but God decided that light skinned Black women should be extra hairy so...yeah.
I know what you're thinking, it's not that bad. It's that bad. If I skip a fews days, eh nothing black stocking can't hide. Skip a week or two-AHHHH. I'm gonna need two razors to clean this up. It get's so drastic that when I do shave, my man is so excited that...well I won't go there, let's just say I can skip the 12 play-lol. I don't let it get out of control by any means but it's a damn chore. Every day I'm either plucking or threading my eyebrows or mustache or beard. Shaving my legs, armpits or stomach (yea don't act like it's just me) and other areas that I won't even tell ya'll about. It's insane.

Funny side note. I once tried hair and nail pills and by the end of bottle I didn't see any difference in growth with the hair on my head but um, I swear I had a freaking goatee and hair on my chest. WTF! Never again! LOL

Any how I have tried it all. Shaving seems to be the tried and true method.
Waxing. I have never felt that much pain until I tired electrolysis. Plucking, damn it hurts. Threading, yeah like yanking tears from your eyes. Nair, ugh...Nothing turns your man on like walking in the bathroom to a rancid smell of depilatory cream and you standing there naked covered in thick cream wiggling around from the itching. Sexy.

I think I should go on hair removal strike. Let the unibrow and goatee grow in. Let my leg hair fill in so I can accessorize when I wear a skirt-maybe braid it add some beads to match my shoes.

Would ya'll still talk to me? Maybe I can start a trend-a revolution! I refuse to torture myself any longer. I will be free and love all my hairiness in it's glory.

Yea that's what I'll do...Right after I'm done plucking my eyebrows and shaving my legs. Ok I'll start next week, maybe next month when it get's colder. Who am I kidding, I'm going to keep torturing myself. Hair I go...
I must not be shaving right because I never look that damn happy....

Anyone else have a love hate relationship with hair removal they wanna share?

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