Wednesday, May 22, 2013

I woke up one day a grown-up

Let me get this out here right away-I am surely still a sexy tenderoni who can drop it like it’s hot but I was just hit with the notion that I can’t recall when I became a grown-up. I know I didn’t just wake up one day and I was grown. I recall getting my first place, voting the first time, buying my first drink (legally and illegally) but I don’t know when I actually really became a grown-up. I can’t be the only one ya’ll, right?

There are many milestones that mark adulthood for us women. Some of them come too early (having a baby in high school) others seem to never happen (getting married or buying your first house). At some point, though, we look at our lives and the decisions we are making and say, “damn, I’m actually grown”.
Side note: if you are still finding yourself telling folks on a regular basis “I’m a grown ass woman” then you may not have reached that point for real.

It happened somewhere in my mid to late 20’s, I think. I mean I always acted like I was grown and felt like a goofy kid but now that I’m 28 (plus 2) there are many grown up things I find myself doing that I would have rolled my eye’s at in my self absorbed early 20’s or smaked my gum at in my fake hard chick late teens.

Things like clipping coupons. Checking in on my 401K and credit report on a regular basis. Parent teacher conferences and going up to the school cussing out teachers and principals (ok that last part may just be a lil’ ghetto but trust me it needed to be done so don’t act like ya’ll ain’t never done it). Chore lists and family calendars. Dinner parties and antacids. Self breast exams and migraines. Passing up the extra hot sauce and blazing hot wings because I know I will be sick later and ain’t nobody got time to be sick when all that damn laundry is waiting to be done (I miss my hot wings soooo much). See, grown up stuff. When did this happen? Can I undo it? I see chicks all the time who… never mind I won’t go there.

This is something that has been on my mind so a long long time. It’s the driving force behind the novel I have been trying to write for FIVE years. I know, that is shameful beyond words but here me out. I was recently struck with the epiphany that one the major reasons I can’t get it finished is because when I do I will have to admit that I am for real grown. That many of the plans and hopes and dreams I had for myself had not manifested partly because I refused to grow beyond who I thought I was at any given year. (yea that was a deep one) Bottom line. I am grown now, no going back. I am going to finally finish my first novel and the three others have already began planning over the last few years. Not fearing rejection or failure, I will accept my life, my grown-ness and work it ‘til the heels fall off!

To help myself with my goal-I will share snippets of the journey of my first novel here on my blog. It’s a coming of age story of three friends who try to hold on to their bond with each other as life-very dramatic life-happens. It tentatively titled, Should have Could have Would have. I hope you love it as much as I already do. Before I share, I would like ya’ll to share your thoughts on when you knew you were a grown woman. Go ahead be honest, the kids are sleep so they can’t disturb you…

1 comment:

  1. I knew I was a grown woman when I stopped shopping in the juniors section. When I got car insurance and renter's insurance. I became a grown woman when I realized that this life of mine is for keeps and needs to be taken seriously. I knew I was a grown woman when my dreams of owning a place to call my own became more real. Being a grown woman is where it's at tho, being a delusional young lady is a time that can be done without, but being grown is a legacy to be left.
